Bioforming and Gene Tailoring
A deep look at some of the truly advanced and surprising options that might become available to us as we improve our skill with genetic engineering, ranging from altering humans to adapting life to live on alien planets or to serve as machines. Isaac will also look at methods for doing genetic engineering, such as […]
Transhumanism and Immortality
An in-depth look at the Transhumanism movement and related concepts, with a special focus on pathways for extending the human lifespan. Topics including SENS and anti-aging research, mind uploading, Technological Singularities, and physical and mental augmentation. Republished by Blog Post Promoter
Common Space Myths Debunked By Astronaut Chris Hadfield
Space is a mystery and a fascination to most of us. We read so much information about living in space and the effects that space can have on the human body that we do not always know what to believe. In the video below, retired astronaut Chris Hadfield debunks common space myths and answers the […]
Environmental Impact of Bernal Spheres
The environmental impact of Bernal Spheres on outer space and the Earth. Find out more about the Environmental Impact of Bernal Spheres.
What is Starlifting? Removing material from a star for industrial use or for stellar husbandry. The energy required for this process comes from the star itself, either directly from its luminosity or from fusion or matter conversion of the lifted material. Starlifting is the process of removing matter from stars, and in this episode Isaac […]
Bernal Spheres And The Future Of Human Evolution
Bernal Spheres and the future of human evolution: How living in space could affect our biology. Find out more about Bernal spheres and the future of human evolution
The Potential Of Von Neumann Self-replicating Spacecraft
This article explores: Von Neumann machines: The potential of self-replicating spacecraft for space colonization. Find out more about The potential of Von Neumann self-replicating spacecraft. In the quest for space exploration and colonization, self-replicating spacecraft, also known as Von Neumann machines, have been proposed as a potential solution to a range of challenges. These machines […]
Engineering And Design Of Von Neumann Machines
This article explores The Engineering And Design Of Von Neumann Machines: Advantages And Challenges For Space Exploration. Find out more about the engineering and design of von Neumann machines.
The Ethical Implications Of Creating Self-replicating Spacecraft
This article explores The ethical implications of creating self-replicating spacecraft: Examining the risks and benefits. Find out more about The ethical implications of creating self-replicating spacecraft. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, humanity has long harbored dreams of exploring and colonizing distant worlds. To turn these visions into reality, scientists and engineers have constantly […]
The Kardashev Scale
What is the Kardashev scale? The scale was originally designed in 1964 by the Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev. He was looking for signs of extraterrestrial life within cosmic signals. The Kardashev scale has 3 base classes, each with an energy disposal level: Type I (10¹⁶W), Type II (10²⁶W), and Type III (10³⁶W). Other astronomers have […]